Friday, November 27, 2009

Video: Dance of the christmas robots

I get some weird stuff pop into my inbox from time to time (don't ask), but this was one I couldn't pass up. I'm a sucker for choregraphed robots at the best of times, but these ones, oh man, they had frickin lights on them!! Coloured lights!! Woah.

Video: Pop Locker

This guy is awesome, he's like a flexible sausage with arms. Spaghetti arms.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Video: Russian President Vladmir Putin gives it up for Breakdancing

Vladmir Putin cracks me up. He is obviously going through some mid-life crisis. First it was the half naked portrait shots of him hunting in the forest, and now, he's paying respect to breakdancers by appearing on Russia's premier battle dance show. C'mon, he's from Russia! I bet our prime minister doesn't even know what the moonwalk is!

Video: Janet Jackson Flashmob

It's nice to see Janet Jackson is back in the news, and it had nothing to do with her cleavage. Organised flash mobs performed at the Grove in LA in honour of the release of Janet's Number One's album tomorrow. Good to see she wasn't just trying to cash in on the success of Michael's movie...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Video: Little dude dancing

I was just saying to myself ;there's not enough little kids dancin', and then voila, this falls into my inbox. Go little son!

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