Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Video: Dubstep dancers

Dubstep, for those who don't know, is a descendent of early century styles 2-step and garage, but is so far removed from them as to be undanceable to. Well that's what I thought, but it appears I'm mistaken.

Here's a couple of video's, and I can't work out if they're taking the piss or really getting down!

Our first bro is an overweight gentleman who can't really move those fists, whilst in the other a couple of suited bro's show-off their subtitled footwork.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Video - We Were Once a FairyTale

Here's the Spike Jonze/Kanye West short film 'We Were Once a FairyTale'. It's as weird as promised, pushing the boundaries as usual. A little NSFW, for those who offend easily.

Video - Dance-off between Mr Bean and Michael Jackson

Have you ever wondered who would win a dance-off between Mr Bean and Michael Jackson? Yeah, me too! Wonder no more as Patrick Boivin has created the dance off they said would never happen, out of toys!

Single Ladies Meme's - The Defnitive Collection

URLesque has compiled a best-of Single Ladies take-off's from the last year. Just in case you needed to see them all at once.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Video: 100 Greatest Moments In YouTube History... in 4 minutes

Some of you are screaming 'where's the relevance', but watch this video about three quarters through and you'll see why it's a perfect fit for this blog. Even without that I probably would've posted it anyway, because it's GD funny, and a lot of it I hadn't or couldn't recall seeing.

I don't know who put it together, but whoever you are, bravo.