The video is definitely more impressive than the song (which would've sounded good as an album cut, much like producer No I.D's other Jay-Z assist 'Success'). Harvey Keitel, Lebron James, Lyor Cohen, maybe a little baller for me, but it's Jay-Z. This is probably him toning it down!
Streetlights was an awesome addition to the Kanye canon when it appeared as an album cut on Ye's 808's and Heartbreaks at the end of last year. This vid is a bit of a letdown, and seems like a case of deja vu what with it's animation and 80's influences. Still, a Ye video ckip is always welcome.
A bit late with this, but apparently Michael Jackson died last Friday. All jokes aside, Jackson's contribution to popular music cannot be understated, and whatever his failures as a human being, we'll always remember him for the joy he brought through his music and dance. Pitchfork has a fantasic obituary that tries to define what he means as both man and musician, do yourself a favour and read it here.
Here it is! There's been a bit of blogger buzz around the video for Clipse's 'Kinda like a big deal', mainly because of the involvement of Kanye West, but hey, anything that brings more love to the thornton brothers is fine by me. Enjoy!
I love these guys, cracks me up, and what's more is their father is like 'yeah, yeah, check it out, go for it'. Kids, fighting and dancing, is there really much else that you need?
It was only a matter of time. A flash mob dons the Hammer pants and starts Hammertime in a trendy store. You could fit 12 hipsters in a pair of those pants.
Til the Casket drops 'drops' in September, and here's another piece of that pie from the Clipse boys. Pharrell joins them on the Neptunes produced track, a solid piece of work that's a little more radio-friendly than what we're used to, but still, ahem, good.
Well the top 20 in the US have now been decided and besides the dancing, a few questions have cropped up.
Will Katie Holmes appear on the show in the coming weeks? Is Mary's botox scarier than Nigel's long-winded rants? Will a same-sex couple ever make it through auditions?
Who knows, and more importantly, who gives a crap?
Here's a few wrap-ups from around the blogosphere.
Here's a double up from Mr West. I'm a bit late on the Mr Hudson-assisted 'Paranoid' featuring the one and only Rihanna, so I've also thrown in the video for 'Spaceship' which was a track off his 2004 debut 'College Dropout'. Kanye initially didn't like the video, but obviously he's had a change of heart about it, because he's pulled it out now.
The Washington D.C. rapper has an album coming out soon. About time I hear you say, and he's probably saying the same thing. This is a Rik Cordero produced clip for the track 'Family Affair', one of the more sombre songs from the record.
Joe Jonas dancing to Single Ladies. Not particularly hot, or funny, or even remotely interesting, but some of you ladies out there seem to like this guy.