Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Radiohead and the boulevard of Download Dreams

In case you've been living under a rock (or in the real world) for the last couple weeks, Radiohead have 'released' their new album 'In Rainbows'. It was released as an internet download only album, and you could pay as much for it as you wanted. Yes, you heard that right, if you wanted to pay 1cent for it, it was yours. It still is. Go here to purchase, but before you do, think about how much you actually want to pay...

You can read the Pitchfork breakdown of the 'In Rainbows' phenomenom here.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Blog Ogling: Kanye West

Kanye West has a blog. And he updates it every day. Now when he 'spazzes out at his shows', you can be the first to shake your head and say 'oh ye, you so stupid'. Some cool vids and pics on there.

Link Here

FRESH MEAT: Jens Lekman

Jens Lekman is a Swedish singer-songwriter whose debut 'Oh, your so silent jens' captured the hearts of indie kids worldwide. His deep Sinatra-like crooning cascaded over swirling samples and 60's bedroom sonic's, whilst his lyrics remembered killer cab-drivers and Warren G's 'Regulate'.
He has now released his new album 'Night falls over Kortadela', and it too is crammed full of orchestral bliss, downtrodden lyrics and his ever present tenor. To freshen up, i've posted some links to inteviews with the man over at Pitchfork.
Here's a musical primer:
The opposite of Hallelujah
Purchase the album here: Secretly Canadian Records